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GEPA fair trade pioneer for 40 years

by Editor (comments: 0)

GEPA is an enterprise that practices 100 per cent fair trade business. Therefore, any surplus is exclusively re-invested in fair trade. Profit maximization and profit distribution are not in line with the GEPA principles and those of their share holders, the relief organizations and youth federations of the major churches. They have around 190 cooperatives marketing organizations and committed private enterprises in over 40 countries of Africa, Latin America and Asia as trading partners. For 40 years, the brand has been serving the interests of our Southern partners: help for self-help, including assistance to enter the local market.

GEPA offers a wide range of ca. 300 food products, about 75 % of all GEPA food products bear the "bio" seal according to the EU regulation on products originating from organically controlled cultivation, or the Naturland seal. Over 1.000 handicraft articles, that the company proposes are subject to regular and comprehensive quality controls. The company wants to insure high quality products, that is mainly mainly organic along with transparency, with regard to the ingredients/ components of the products, production and value chain

GEPA will be present at the 100th German Catholic Day in Leipzig (100. Deutschen Katholikentag in Leipzig), that will take place from the 25th to the 29th of May. There will be a discussion on the topic " Reality Check Fair Trade" with spokeswoman Barbara Schimmelpfennig on the podium of the Neues Rathaus Leipzig.

In addition to these events, with the motto " GEPA experience - Discover Fair Trade " , interested pupils of secondary schools in Wuppertal and the surrounding area will be able to take a look at the GEPA behind the scenes on the 29th of June. 



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