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Gene editing must be labeled GMO

by Editor (comments: 0)

The new generation of products from gene-edited origin is appearing. The German association VLOG stated these products must be tested, regulated and labelled as GMOs.

The “new plant breeding techniques” (NPBTs) come out and Pro-GMO lobbyists hope that a new wave of “gene-edited” plants and animals will escape GMO labelling and enter the food supply unnoticed and unopposed in an apparent attempt to avoid the unpopular “GM word”, explains GMWatch.

But these attempts look increasingly unlikely to succeed as legal experts, scientists, NGOs, and the US National Organic Standards Board have stated their view that gene editing gives rise to GMOs.

VLOG, the German industry association representing food manufacturers and retailers that advocate food production without GMOs, has issued a hard-hitting position statement saying that the products of new gene editing techniques are GMOs and must be regulated as such. VLOG awards licenses for the seal „Ohne Gentechnik“ (produced without genetic engineering) for food products. Around 4,500 products are labeled from 450 companies, representing a revenue of 182 billion Euros. Products with the seal are not necessarily organic.




Genetic Engineering

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