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First fair trade certified line of organic cotton

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Pact organic makers of premium organic and Fair Trade Certified basics, announced its launch in 460 participating Target locations across the United States, according to PR News Wire. It is one of the fastest-growing organic cotton basics brands in the U.S. Led by Brendan Synnott, the founder of natural food brands Bear Naked Granola ( and EVOL Frozen Foods (

Founded in 2009, Pact Organic makes organic cotton basics. All apparel made in India is certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) and made with Fair Trade Certified™ organic cotton. All socks and tights made in Turkey are certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) ( Pact Organics undershirts and underwear are made from cotton sourced from Chetna Organic – a cooperative of 15,000 organic cotton farmers in India who practice non-GMO organic agriculture. Chetna works to improve livelihood options of smallholder farmers by making more sustainable and profitable farm systems, and providing access to ethical cotton markets.

For every product sold, cotton farmers earn additional funds to invest in critical community projects. Workers democratically designate these funds for programs and projects that matter the most to them, like education and healthcare.




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