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Fipronil found in organic eggs again

by Editor (comments: 0)

The fipronil residues found in organic eggs from the Netherlands exceed the maximum permitted level. However, they are said to not hazardous to health. Photo © Pixabay/jackmac34

The German State Office for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in Lower Saxony (LAVES) has detected the insect venom fipronil in organic eggs from the Netherlands. According to the authority, the residues are above the maximum level permitted in the EU.

The contaminated eggs are from an organic laying hen farm in the Netherlands, which were sampled in a packing centre in the district of Vechta. The eggs are now taken off the market. The responsible monitoring authority controls the call back. According to the assessment of the Federal Office for Risk Assessment (BfR), there is no health risk with the values determined.

In 2017 it became known that fipronil was illegally mixed into cleaning and disinfecting products for stables. Since fipronil is not authorised, there was a significant recall of eggs and processed products. Fipronil has been included in the National Residue Control Plan (NRKP). In the course of the related investigations, the contamination in the Dutch eggs has now been proven.




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