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Europe: Enough organic apples until the next harvest

by Leo Frühschütz (comments: 0)

The European organic apples producers have enough apples in storage. That is because the 2018 harvest was fruitful, despite the weather-related challenges. According to the Europäische Bioobst Forum (EBF), the market could therefore be supplied until the beginning of the new season.

The influence of heat on the fresh produce market

As reported by the EBF, the year 2018 was marked by extreme weather conditions for farmers. The summer droughts in the North of Europe and major heat waves in the Southern production areas posed a challenge in all regions without irrigation facilities. These weather conditions made it possible for insect pests to leave clearer traces on apples than usual.

These damages resulted in approximately 6% less apples reaching the fresh produce market than was originally calculated with. Instead, these apples were further processed. Nevertheless, the EBF considers the supply secured. The harvest was large enough and, in addition, some conversion areas in Europe were awarded their organic status in 2018.




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