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EU parliament voted against GMO varieties

by Editor (comments: 0)

For the fifth time in less than a year European Union politicians voted against genetically modified crop. The European Parliament has rejected three varieties of GMO maize, as well as one variety of maize and one variety of cotton for import and use in food and feed. Food Ingredients First quotes, IFOAM EU Director, Eduardo Cuoco: “This is the fifth time in a year that the European Parliament has objected to the approval of GMOs and the vote shows the European Parliament is continuing to express the wishes of EU citizens for a GMO-free agriculture. Nevertheless this does not seem to be the end for the go debate in the EU parliament since this objection does not block the process. Member states can still vote on these authorizations next month. Therefore Cuoco appeals “It is now time for member states to be coherent with their national bans, take action and vote against these GMOs in November”.

IFOAM disapproves the introduction ofGMO in agriculture and in cattle food because there is a scientific consensus that currently available food derived from GM crops poses no greater risk to human health than conventional food. IFOAM also mentioned the danger of prices that could increase for non GMO crops. The continuously increasing organic market in Europe could be slow down as a result of extensive GMO use. It could become a brake to the 7.4% growth, of Europe’s a €24-billion market organic market potential.



Genetic Engineering


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