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EU: More than 1 million against glyphosate

by Editor (comments: 0)

Demo against agro industry and also glyphosate in Berlin

Picture: Demo against agro industry and also glyphosate in Berlin

Within four months, well over a million men and women in Europe have stated in a European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) that they are in favour of a ban on glyphosate.

No ECI has had this level of success before. The EU is now obliged to consider our demands, writes Campact, one of the organisations behind the initiative.

Carried out in parallel, in 28 EU countries signatures (ca.1.3 mn) were collected digitally and on the ground, largely down to the work of Campact's European sister organisation WeMove. In the weeks ahead, WeMove intends to fight across the whole of Europe to ensure that these million people are heard loud and clear in Brussels.

In July, the EU states will negotiate for the first time approval of glyphosate. Actions and publicity campaigns will take place in European capitals in order to convince the relevant ministers: the people insist on banning glyphosate.





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