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EU boosts Armenia’s organic agriculture

by Editor (comments: 0)

The three year project OASI was founded by the EU and aims to support Armenian organic agriculture. It was founded by the EU and aims to support Armenian organic agriculture. The project is also co-funded and implemented by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA), the operational unit of the Austrian Development Cooperation. The project has a budget of 3.3 million Euros. A big portion of the project's support will go directly to Armenian producers and processors.

At the end of September, 18 out of 72 applicants were given these grants, announced the Armen Press.They received a funding of more than 800,000 Euros in total, reports Hetq. Small grants are also available for smallholder farmers seeking to start, diversify or expand organic production. In the meantime, bigger grants will be available to already established organic farmers, co-operatives and processors for enhancing productivity and market access, explains the ADA .

The program is aimed at supporting small and medium farms, developing local markets and expanding exports. The main focus of organic products in Armenia are fruits and berries that originate from farms and from wild collection. The main products being quick frozen juices, beverages and fruits in syrup, according to Organic World. The main export  markets are Russia and the European Union.  

John Barker, Aid/Cooperation Officer of the EU Delegation to Armenia, in his opinion, said that small farms are the key entities of organic agriculture, Arka reports.






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