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Ethiopia: first International Green Fair by NABU

by Editor (comments: 0)

Regional food from the UNESCO biosphere reserve in Ethiopia.

Regional food from the UNESCO biosphere reserve in Ethiopia. Photo Abdurazak Sahile, NABU

The German environment and nature protection organisation NABU is hosting the first International Green Fair and field visits in the Kafa Biosphere Reserve in South-West Ethiopia.

The fair is designed to serve as platform for bringing together local producers and green entrepreneurs. Ultimate goal is to settle longterm business partnerships on green, natural products originating from Kafa Biosphere Reserve.

The Kafa Biosphere Reserve in South-West Ethiopia and neighbouring areas offer a multitude of unspoiled natural products like spices, herbs, coffee or honey. By now only a few projects are certified organic but because of the regulations for UNESCO biosphere reserves all natural. At the same time UNESCO biosphere reserves are considered as destinations for developing and branding local natural products coming along with a story to be told.

The event consists of the fair itself which will be held at the National Coffee Museum in Bonga where local producer associations will present their products. In line with participant’s interest, NABU will offer a one or two day field visit to different production sites. In addition, the fair will offer a forum for start-ups and best-practice initiatives from Ethiopia and other African countries to inspire local producers.

Profile of participating companies and organisations

Environmental friendly-producing companies from sectors such as herbs, spices, fruits, medicinal plants, vegetables, grains, honey, tea, coffee, handicrafts or tourism.

NABU is a German environmental NGO that has been promoting the interests 
of people and nature for more than a hundred years, drawing on its unwavering commitment, specialised know-how and the backing of about 640,000 members and supporters. In Ethiopia, NABU is registered as international NGO since 2009.

If you are interested, please contact NABU staff

More about Kafa Biosphere Reserve

More about NABU’s project work at Kafa Biosphere Reserve 






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