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Eosta: new sustainable company building

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Volkert Engelsmann, CEO Eosta

On Thursday, September 14, the Dutch importer of organic fruits and vegetables Eosta laid the foundations for the new sustainable office and logistics building in Waddinxveen in the Netherlands. The special feature: "Everything in the building, from floor to ceiling, is reusable," says Managing Director Volkert Engelsman (picture).

With this construction, Eosta is committed to the values ​​of organic farming. Engelsman: "In conventional agriculture, soil is exploited and natural resources or their properties are gradually lost. Organic farmers, on the other hand, get the soil healthy, alive and fertile, for example by regularly working with compost and crop rotation. This is how the model of the circular economy works, it is based on the resilience and longevity of nature. Because there is no waste in nature." Examples are a wall of recycled toilet basins and the canteen kitchen should be furnished with materials from the sixth to the eighth hand.





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