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Swedes challenges Danish eco-faithfulness

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Denmark is the world 's leading eco-nation with an organic market share of 7.8%, while this share is at 4.1% in Sweden. The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation (Svenske Naturskyddsföreningen) has just launched a campaign that encourages Swedes to buy more organic and beat the Danes: "Change to organic and we will beat the Danes". The Swedish campaign film can be watched here:

"We wish the Swedes good luck with their mission. We would like to battle with them to be even better at buying organic. Every time we put organic items in the cart, it is for the benefit of nature, animals and humans. So together we can make a big difference" , says Helene Birk , export manager at Organic Denmark. She calls on the Danes to show the Swedish neighbors that they are very proud of the organic faithfulness in Denmark and do not want to give up their position.

"If every Danish household buys just one liter of extra organic milk a week, then we increase the overall organic market by approx. one percent", Ms. Birk adds and encourages the Danes to share their contributions in this eco- battle with the Swedes on Organic Denmarks Facebook site I love Eco. "Do you, for example, chose to give your kids organic lunches for the rest of the year, or have you changed the conventional oatmeal out with organic? Then tell us about it on Facebook and inspire others to do the same so we can keep the title of world champions in ecology."

The Vice President of Svenske Naturskyddsförening, Johanna Sandahl, following on the background to the campaign's focus on Denmark, states: "We Swedes want to be - and are inclined to believe that we are - heroes in all environmental conditions. By showing that it is not the case when it comes to organic consumption, we believe that a lot of Swedes will be influenced to take up the fight to take over the Danish top spot. In Denmark , the government has very clear and conscious policy decisions to promote ecology, and there has been a decisive cooperation between actors in the food chain. I'm sure Swedish consumers would like to see similar actions in this country". The President of Organic Denmark, Per Kølster, was at a panel discussion in Stockholm, where he gave an insight into how such a high organic level in Denmark could be reached. (Pictures from the campaign)


Organic Denmark 


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