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Donating muesli for refugees in Greece and Italy

by Editor (comments: 0)

Malnutrition and eating the wrong kind of food are sometimes the biggest problems faced by refugees from Syria, Afghanistan and Iran in the reception camps in Greece and Italy. For this reason, the German company Rapunzel Naturkost GmbH has in the course of this year sent around 350 pallets of organic muesli and porridge to the refugees.“The muesli helps us improve the provision of food on the ground," says Martina Raschke from the Intereuropean Human Aid Association (IHA). The aid organisation's role, that is partly financed by crowdfunding, is transport and distribution in the refugee camps. The muesli is prepared on site by helpers and handed out to the refugees.

A total of 337 pallets of muesli has been dispatched from Germany to refugees in the last six months. Over  85,000 packs of muesli were sent in the 14, 616 cartons. This quantity provides approximately half a million muesli meals.

More help essential

Anything that can in any way be useful – food or everyday items - is still very welcome in the refugee camps. If you've got anything to contribute, please get in touch with the IHA: If you would like to donate money, you can help with financing transport via the crowdfunding platform



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