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Dennree cracks the billion-euro-barrier

by Leo Frühschütz (comments: 0)

Denn's BioMarkt
One of the meanwhile 300 Denn's organic markets. © Dennree

For 2018, the German Dennree Group reported sales growth of 5.8% to 1.025 bn euros, generated by more than 5,900 employees. The company did not provide any more detailed information on the development of the individual divisions.

As a wholesaler, Dennree supplies around 1,400 specialist stores, including 300 of its own Denn's stores. Dennree's marketing manager Lukas Nossol said that in 2018 the stores had also grown on existing space. However, the expansion had made a stronger contribution to sales growth.

Last year, 22 new stores were opened and 11 new stores were opened by independent retailers. Nossol said nothing about the development of the wholesale trade. The published balance sheets (until 2016) show that the wholesale sector has grown much more slowly than the industry average in recent years.

Dennree zu Bioland bei Lidl

Lukas Nossol does not see the cooperation between the German cultivation association Bioland and the discounter chain Lidl as an attack on the specialised trade, but as an answer to Aldi's organic commitment. Dennree has been a Bioland partner from the very beginning and carries the largest assortment of Bioland articles.

Lukas Nossol beim Presselunch auf der Biofach 2019

"We shouldn't lose the commendableness" Dennree Marketing Director
Lukas Nossol at Biofach 2019. © bio verlag/Katrin Muhl

Nossol warned against being determined by the activities of other market participants. "We want to focus on ourselves and our customers and remain true to ourselves," he defined Dennree's strategy. And: "We shouldn't lose the commendableness. " That's why Dennree will try to become even more efficient, for example by increasing commitment within the supply chain. Dennree will continue to expand its own brand. Their products are an important instrument for differentiation for retailers. Nossol estimated their share at 15 to 16%.

Farm estate Eichigt, a matter close to the heart

The 4,000 hectare Eichigt farm, which was taken over by the Dennree Group in 2015, has now been completely converted and has been a certified member of the Bioland Association since May 2018. The first products to be sold last year were pasture milk, yoghurt and semi-hard cheese.

The farm estate is "a matter close to our father's heart", said the son of Dennree founder Thomas Greim. There, Dennree wanted to deal "holistically with the question of sustainable agriculture in harmony with nature and the environment". To this end, he added, the company works together with scientists and is committed to nature conservation.

Photos © Dennree

Dennree also emphasised the commitment of the Zukunftsstiftung Biomarkt as an initiative of independent specialist retailers and Denn's Biomarkt. In 2018, the foundation distributed 55,000 euros to the seed fund of the Future Foundation for Agriculture (German: Zukunfsstiftung Landwirtschaft).



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