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Controversial Topics at the Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference 2016

by Editor (comments: 0)

Participants of the Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference on September 27-28, 2016, in Berlin may once again look forward to an interesting and multi-faceted program.The international conference will again focus on various current topics that affect the entire cosmetics industry. Aside from inspiring presentations, two interesting expert discussions with representatives from politics and the market focus on consumer safety as well as the current challenges of the digitalization at the POS and will offer stimuli beyond the box.

International Speakers will offer insights on burning issues: targeted customer approach in a time of increasing digitalization, the further development of the natural and organic cosmetics segment, palm oil and its repercussions as well as TTIP and the worries of the consumers are topics that will be in the focus of the two-day Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference.

Against the background of stable growth for green cosmetics, international trend researchers, market players and market researchers will examine the development. This year´s emphasis of the market evaluation will center on the largest single market for organic cosmetics – the US.

During the event international participants from the industry and retail will gather in Berlin and offer multiple opportunities for intensive and international networking. Program chairwoman and trade expert Elfriede Dambacher, manager of the publishing company naturkosmetik verlag in Dortmund, organizes the Natural and Organic Cosmetics Conference in cooperation with the NürnbergMesse, organizer of the trade fair Vivaness.

The Natural & Organic Cosmetics Conference will be held September 27-28, 2016, at the Hotel Ellington Berlin. On the day prior to the Conference, the popular Trendtour Berlin will take participants to newly discovered hotspots of natural cosmetics in the city of Berlin (bus tour 2 – 6 p.m.)

Conference language is German/English, simultaneous translation is provided.
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