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China: Heilongjiang province bans GMOs

by Editor (comments: 0)

According to several sources China´s top grain producing province Heilongjiang has decided in December to prohibit to grow GMO crops. The regulation will become effective on May 1,2017.

Cornucopia Institute (Wisconsin) interpretes the regulation in the northeastern province of the China as precautionary measures with this provincial regulation that bans growing of GM corn, rice and soybean. Illegal production and sales of GM crops and supply of their seeds will be prohibited. The new regulation also bans imports of edible GM farm produce or edible farm products that contain GM ingredients. It requires all GM food be sold in a special zone, clearly indicated in stores, explains Cornucoppia online.

More than 90% of people in Heilongjiang are concerned about GMO

The sustainability portal Sustainable Pulse reports that the decision came after 91.5 percent of responses in a survey in the province in October raised objections to GM crops (source Sustainable Pulse comments: “This decision is a massive blow to the central Chinese government’s recent support for introducing GM crops to the country. The Chinese government has even cracked down on media over anti-GMO coverage including banning Sustainable Pulse for a short period in 2015. Russia will also be very pleased with the news from Heilongjiang province, which is the Chinese province with the longest border with Russia. Russia has a full ban on GM crops in place.”


Genetic Engineering



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