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CAP: IFOAM EU Board member Jan Plagge re-elected

by Editor (comments: 0)

IFOAM EU Board Member Jan Plagge is re-elected to accompany the CAP 2020+.

Jan Plagge remains Deputy Chairman of the EU Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The president of the German organic association Bioland and vice-president of the IFOAM EU Group was re-elected as Vice-Chairman of the main EU Advisory Committee on the reform of the CAP 2020+ in Brussels.

"The debate on the reform of the CAP 2020+ will enter a decisive phase in 2018," says Jan Plagge and continues: "The budget will be determined, and the EU Commission will prepare and present its reform proposal. At the CDG, we will be giving intensive advice on the technical foundations for an ambitious reform in 2018. "At the CDG meeting, the EU Commission presented a current evaluation of greening. Plagge says, "The results show that the greening approach does not work. In this soft-rinsed form, it brings no benefit to the environment. A new approach to rewarding environmental performance in the CAP 2020+ is needed."

EU's most important advisory body for the reform of the CAP 2020+

The CDG is the EU's most important advisory body for the reform of the CAP 2020+. The group newly constituted at the end of 2016 includes CAP stakeholders from environmental protection associations to large trade associations. Since 2016, Plagge has been vice-chairman. In 2017, the EU Commission began preparations for the reform. To this end, it sought the views of agricultural policy stakeholders and non-governmental organizations in Europe and conducted a public online consultation among EU citizens. Building on this, the Commission is now developing policy options and assessing their consequences. The CDG accompanies this process in an advisory capacity.
As Chairman of the CDG, Henri Brichart has been confirmed, he is the Vice President of the French Farmers 'Association (FNSEA) and Deputy President of the EU Committee of Farmers' Associations (COPA).




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