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Canada: Plans to grow the organic sector in British Colombia

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The Ministry of Agriculture is consulting with the organic sector about developing a three pillar approach to strengthen the awareness and reputation of British Colombia's (B.C.'s) organic foods, locally, across Canada, and around the world. The consultations involve regulating the use of the term “organic”, developing transitional strategies that support farmers to become certified, creating business strategy and market development programs, and creating a brand to market B.C. organic foods. (Picture: farmers' market in Vancouver, British Colombia)

he proposed change will require all products marketed as “organic” in B.C. to be certified under either a provincial or national certification program. Operators producing and selling their organic products strictly within B.C. will require provincial certification. B.C. companies with customers in other provinces or countries will require certification by a federally accredited certification body, just as they do today. The provincial certification program follows the same standard as the national program, but with streamlined record keeping and documentation practices. Provincial certification offers growers access to the local organic market with less paperwork, while still ensuring B.C. consumers have certainty when purchasing organic foods.

Source: BC Ministry of Agriculture

The existing voluntary B.C. Certified Organic Program can be viewed here,

the national Organic Standardscan be found here.

Further information is also available here.




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