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Secret plan to boost GM production

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

European leaders are secretly preparing a campaign to spread GM crops and foods in Britain and throughout the continent. This is what confidential documents revealed, according to the The Independent on Sunday, which has received documents including an attendance list and the conclusions of two meetings held so far. The documents uncover plans to quicken the introduction of modified crops and foods and to deal with public resistance. They also state that agricultural representatives and industry are to counteract the interests of environmentalists.

The secret meetings were assembled by Jose Manuel Barroso, the pro-GM President of the Commission, and chaired by his head of cabinet. Neither the membership of the group, nor its objectives, nor the outcomes of the meetings have been made public. The conclusions of the meetings on public opposition are instigating. They ponder on how to deal with public opinion and call for an “emotion-free, fact-based dialogue” on the high standards of the EU GM policy. They also record the chairman emphasising the role of industry, economic partners and science to actively contribute to such a dialogue. The chairman states that public feels ill-informed and that agricultural representatives should be more vocal.

Public opposition has prevented any modified crops from being grown in Britain. France, one of the countries in Europe to have grown them, has suspended their cultivation, and resistance to them is rising rapidly in the other countries.


Genetic Engineering

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