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New board and new president at Cosmebio

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Cosmebio general assembly was held in Paris on 17 June 2014 (see picture below). The day was filled with round tables, conferences and exchanges. The two major events of the day were the Cosmebio prizes for excellence in cosmetics awarded to members, and the election of the board followed by the nomination of Cosmebio‘s new president: Romain Ruth (picture to the left), managing director of Florame.

After working as a lawyer in Paris, Romain Ruth took over Florame, a French brand of organic cosmetics and essential oils, in 2010. In the same year, he was also appointed as treasurer of Cosmebio and chairman of the Ethical and Legal Commission.  

Cosmebio is committed to shaping the future of organic cosmetics by encouraging consumers to opt for alternative cosmetics. Promoting the Cosmebio label in France is crucial and the next objective set by the board is that in five years from now, one out of two consumers should have at least one Cosmebio-certified product in their bathroom. More information is available here.



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