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BioTropic celebrates 20th anniversary

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Apples, mangos, avocados and lemons: sourcing organic fruit from reliable suppliers – that was the idea of the founders of BioTropic- Hubert Bois Naturkost, Naturkost Elkershausen and Terra Naturkost. This year, BioTropic is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

The company now has offices in seven countries: Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. Operations Manager at company headquarters in Duisburg, Sascha Suler, explains: “Our mission is to promote organic farming all over the world. This also involves actively encouraging environmental protection and good working conditions.”

Therefore, by cooperating with local partners, BioTropic operates its own agricultural projects in Central America and West Africa in the form of Private Public Partnerships (PPP) – supported by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation. Suler: “We seek positive and meaningful cooperation, and our aim is to provide people with work for 52 weeks a year if possible. That's what development aid means for us – not only sending money somewhere or other.”






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