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Biofach: young companies to present products at sponsored pavilion

by Editor (comments: 0)

Numerous newcomers will once again be showcasing products and innovative concepts at Biofach, from 15 to 18.02.2017. 21 German companies will be presenting their innovations together at a pavilion called “German Newcomers” The pavilion is being supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi).

Trends: veganism, health and eco-friendly packaging

The main trends currently dominating product development at young organic companies are veganism, health and eco-friendly packaging. The latest generation of entrepreneurs are also making a very concerted effort to exploit the benefits of digital networking. They communicate their innovative ideas via the Internet and social media extremely quickly, rapidly guaranteeing themselves attention from more and more customers in the process.

As in previous years, many of the product creations being presented by the 2017 German newcomers will once again be vegan products. Examples will be: tempehmanufaktur, a company which offers Tempeh as a nutritious alternative to tofu, or Happy Cheeze which offers cashews as a vegan cheese alternative as "a unique uncooked vegan product,” explain owners Dr Annika Mannah and Dr Mudar Mannah.

Innovative concepts in marketing

In addition to the development of innovative products, young organic newcomers are using innovative concepts in marketing as well. Digital marketplaces like Taste&Stories, which is headquartered in Berlin, tell the stories behind the satisfying tastes of these organic products. The organic gourmet specialist ensures the online platform draws attention to the special characteristics of manual organic production by offering old varieties and breeds and using small factories and a direct-trade concept.

A list of all the German newcomers


BioFach / Vivaness

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