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BioFach: special show focusing on animal and plant breeding

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NurembergMesse Entrance Mitte hall is the venue for the special show on breeding.

NurembergMesse Entrance Mitte hall is the venue for the special show on breeding. 

From 14 to 17 February 2018, the international organic industry will be meeting in Nuremberg for the next edition of BioFach, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Organic Food. Part of the exhibition will be a new special show called “Organic from the start”, which will be focusing on breeding plants and animals organically. The “Organic from the start” has been allocated a central location, namely the exhibition venue’s entrance area Mitte.

BioFach’s partner for realizing the special show’s content is Bioverita, the swiss organisation for organic breeding. The aim of the show is giving industry professionals an introduction to its topic and to present and discuss alternatives in the field of breeding. Various breeding initiatives will be involved here.

Danila Brunner, Executive director BioFach and Vivaness, said: “Organic practices as a concept in the sense of organic farming and management have to be taken into consideration right from the beginning. It’s for that reason that we’ve decided to dedicate a special show at BioFach solely to organic breeding. We’re pleased to be able to work with Bioverita and numerous breeding initiatives to offer visitors an inspiring specialized forum on what is a highly relevant topic for the industry. We’re looking forward to inspiring discussions and lively exchanges between all the different parties at the world-leading trade fair!”

Markus Johann, bioverita’s managing director, said: “With the ‘Organic right from the start’ special show, we want to acknowledge what organic breeding has already achieved and also highlight the areas that require a lot of development work. We are convinced that the organic industry can only continue to develop qualitatively and sustainably if there is independent organic breeding. We are therefore delighted to be able to use BioFach as an information and communication platform for that."




BioFach / Vivaness

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