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Bio Suisse limits the use of concentrated feed for ruminants

by Leo Frühschütz (comments: 0)

Bio Suisse Logo
The Bio Suisse association is tightening its regulations for the use of concentrated feed.

The Swiss organic association Bio Suisse aims at reducing the proportion of cereals and protein-containing components such as sunflower meal in ruminant feed. Cows, sheep and goats are to receive only five percent of their feed ration as concentrated feed from 2022. The current feed ration value is at ten percent. With this tightening the association wants to achieve that the feeding of ruminants competes less with human nutrition.

Such self-restrictions cannot be found in the EU Organic Regulation and the guidelines of the German organic associations. For cattle only, 60% of the dry matter in the daily ration must consist of roughage (grass, silage, hay). Consequently, 40% concentrated feed can be fed – even if hardly any organic farmer does this. The concentrate content is particularly relevant for milk production. If the cow eats one kilogram of concentrated feed in addition to hay and grass, it can produce 1.7 litres more milk.

The delegates from Bio Suisse also decided that from 2020, at least 90% of the feed for ruminants must come from Swiss Bud-production, by 2022 it should be 100%.



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