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BASF wants to stop selling Fipronil as a pesticide

by Editor (comments: 0)

After the European egg-scandal, BASF stopps selling Fipronil as a pesticide. Recently, the North Rhine-Westphalian Department of Environment called back eggs contaminated with the insecticide.

Upon request by, BASF declared that due to economical reasons, the chemical group has decided against a new registration for the treatment of seed material in Europe. The step is said to not being related to the callback of contaminated eggs. “Because of high costs, BASF does not want to submit a re-registration.” As a result, the approval of the agent as an insecticide according to the EU plant health legislation is going to end on the 30th of September 2017.

However, this measure does not apply to the use of Fipronil as a biocide to control ants, cockroaches and termites. For this purpose, the agent is approved until 2023 in the EU.




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