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Austria: organic gastronomy offers huge potential

by Editor (comments: 0)

According to the organic association Bio Austria, there is huge potential for organic food in the gastronomy and catering sectors. “People increasingly want to eat organic food not only within their own four walls but when they go out as well,” said a spokeswoman.

Impressive confirmation of her explanation is the development of the organic wholesale trade that, according to the sector itself, has experienced constant annual growth in turnover in recent years of around 10% to15%.

 She said that the aim was to create further incentives to get more gastronomy businesses to have their offer certified organic. At the same time, it is important not to water down the term 'organic' and to make it clear to consumers that 'regional', 'natural' and 'nature-based'  are not an indication of “the unique quality of organic food”. Austria has at the moment around 400 gastro-businesses with organic certification.



Organic Hotels/Gastronomy

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