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Australia: Eco Tan and Eco by Sonya Driver celebrate their 7th year in business

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Sonya Driver, Founder of Eco Tan

The founder of Eco Tan and Eco by Sonya Driver: Sonya Driver (Photo © Eco Tan)

Founded in 2010 in a tiny Australian kitchen, Sonya Driver’s product lines Eco Tan and Eco by Sonya Driver are considered global players in the organic beauty industry and are now celebrating their 7th anniversary. The company employs around 30 staff members at the Australian Gold Coast as well as thousands of distributors and stockists around the world. Despite its global reach, the organic beauty company combats animal cruelty, which is why it refuses to consider entering the Chinese market. Beyond that, the company regularly sponsors animal refuges, surgeries for homeless dogs as well as Romanian women and children who fell a victim to domestic violence. Founder Sonya Driver maintains that: “Even though Eco Tan is evolving and growing at a rapid rate, my motivation will always come from the same place as where it began: creating ecologically friendly, toxic free and cruelty free beauty products that provide people with a healthier alternative”.



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