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Apparel: sustainability by circularity

by Editor (comments: 0)

Whilst there are many publications on circular business models and commitments to circular economy, few brands/retailers or upstream suppliers are re-designing their business towards circularity. This phenomenon is what C&A Foundation has identified as the “Implementation Gap”.

Request for Proposals 

C&A Foundation is looking for innovative ways to bridge the gap in the implementation of circular business models in companies at all levels of the apparel value chain. The Swiss based foundation has a budget of EUR 1.5m for this call (maximum budget for one grant proposal is EUR 300k), explains an article on the foundation´s website. And further: the proposal may be part of a larger collaboration or programme and leverage other funds.

Circular Apparel

"Circular economy thinking is redesigning the apparel industry to make it work for the people and ecosystems it touches. It challenges the industry on its material choices, manufacturing choices, and retail and use choices. A system in which safe materials are used endlessly, water is restored and energy is clean, biodiversity is valued and improved, allows the apparel sector to be a force for good", says the C&A Foundation.

The Challenge 

The global apparel sector is becoming more open to circular economy on a technical level (i.e. technologies that enable circular apparel such as chemical recycling), as well as on a business model level. The latter is especially important, as it implies a shift from ownership to use so that materials and apparel are provided as a service, not a product to be rapidly discarded. These new business models are fundamental for the systemic change of the sector and will result in better use of materials and support better working conditions, explains the foundation´s website.

The request for proposals is open from December 18, 2017 until February 18, 2018.

Applicants must fulfil the criteria outlined in the request for proposals, and use the template provided in the appendix. 

Applications must be sent to

Read the full version of the request for proposals here.





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