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Amsterdam: fourth BioBorrel edition in December

by Editor (comments: 0)

On the 19th December 2017, the fourth edition of BioBorrel will be held at Pakhuis de Zwijger in Amsterdam at 6 pm. BioBorrel is a series of events taking up on the continuous growth of the organic sector by providing the sector with an environment and a platform to discuss all kinds of questions about different certificates, responsibility and principles. After three previous editions, this time financial geographer and professor Ewald Engelen will present his view on the organic sector’s position from a perspective for consumers, the organic sector as well as the government. The event will be concluded by a discussion including all participants.

BioBorrel is a Dutch event for any professionals related to the organic branch such as farmers, processors, producers as well as retailers. Participation is free of charge. For more information and registration please visit:




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