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Alnatura now at Supermarchés Match in France

by Editor (comments: 0)

Alnatura label on a flag surrounded by green leafs.
The German company Alnatura is now represented in France.

Alnatura products are now also available in France. According to the company, over 400 Alnatura brand articles are listed in around 30 stores of the supermarket and supermarket chain Supermarchés Match. A roll-out in all 116 stores is planned for the end of 2019.

By the end of 2018, the product range is to be launched in almost half of the stores. Supermarchés Match is mainly represented in Alsace, Lorraine and Northern France. Founded in 1934, the company operates 116 branches as well as 92 pick-up stations, so-called "Drives", and generated sales of 1.1 billion euros in the fiscal year 2017.

Listing since March

In March, Match had already started listing Alnatura products in the new flagship store in Saint-Nicolas-de-Port near Nancy, Alnatura states. The assortment includes articles from the dry food as well as baby and toddler assortment. So far, Marketing director of Supermarchés Match, Pierre Yves Fenot, is very satisfied with the customers' demand as they responded very positive to the Alnatura range. He said: “Our vision is to be the preferred food retailer for those who value a healthy and enjoyable diet. Therefore, we find the partnership with Alnatura particularly fitting.“

Götz Rehn, founder and managing director of Alnatura, also appreciates the cooperation with the French neighbours as “commitment to more sustainability in trade. Therefore we are pleased about our new trade partner in the land of gourmets.”



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