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AFI: International Conference against fraudulent labelling of organic food

by Editor (comments: 0)

The Anti-Fraud-Initiative (AFI), IFOAM and EOCC invite interested parties to their International Conference concerning the question “How to improve the securing of organic integrity of Eastern European organic exports?” taking place from 21st – 22nd September 2017 in Odessa, Ukraine. The Anti-Fraud-Initiative, founded in 2007 by Agroeco, FiBL and GfRS, aims at providing a mutual platform for the organic sector in order to discuss issues such as fraud and severe offences within the transboundary trade with organic food or forage and how to combat them.

Among others, the European Commission’s „Organic Unit“ management as well as the management of the American Ministry of Agriculture’s “National Organic Program” will participate at the 11th AFI-Conference so far. In presentations and within working groups, partakers will discuss possible strategies. As to make participants actively familiar with problematic situations, a multiday-excursion to Ukrainian companies for checkpoints and public authorities will take place prior to the conference.

For registration and further information on the conference "Improving Integrity of Organic Supply Chains" please visit: and




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