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" Venus Albir" has opened in Spain

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The opening of the first Bio-Hotel in Spain took place this month in cooperation with CAE and Biohotels, the Austrian  organic hotel association. It was built under the main ideas of Geo-Bioconstruction, with natural materials like thermal clay blocks, marble, cork insulation and ecological paints. Venus Albir has gone through all the auditing of building industry controls and ecological quality. It is located a few hundred meters from Albir beach, which has a very high quality of water.


24 apartments are available for guests, as well as large common areas where different activities, courses and workshops are offered. The organic restaurant is the finishing touch of this alternative holiday. Guests also have the possibility to buy organic products in a small shop which offers products like wines, fruit and fresh vegetables. Meals can be prepared in the apartments if desired.


Organic Hotels/Gastronomy

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