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The Cornucopia Institute launches YouTube Channel

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

With the help of award-winning documentary filmmakers Gretta Miller and Aarick Beher, the Cornucopia Institute has produced three videos that are now posted on their YouTube channel:

Currently, the following videos are available: DHA/ARA in Infant Formula - Linked to Serious Illness and Babies; The Dirty Little Secret in the “Natural” Soy Product Production - the Neurotoxic Solvent Hexane; Scrambled Eggs - Outing Corporate Agribusiness on "Organic" Egg Production with as Many as 100,000-Birds in a Single Building - Are Your Eggs Authentic?

The Cornucopia Institute aims to make everyone an expert in less than five minutes on some of the major issues they are working at. Interested people can subscribe to the channel and will get notification when more videos are launched. The videos already online have been viewed on YouTube almost 80,000 times and at least as many times on other websites.

The Cornucopia Institute


North America


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