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Wild-collected botanicals and the EU market

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The Trade for Development Centre of the Belgian Development Agency (BTC) aims at economic and social empowerment of small producer organisations, by both enhancing business knowledge and improving their access to markets. A Producer Support Programme is implemented, through which financial and technical assistance is provided to producer organisations.

Within the framework of this programme, the centre has decided to carry out a market study on wild-sourced botanicals and the EU market, thus anticipating the growing opportunities for these products in the food, cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries. The study focuses on wild-collected medicinal and aromatic plants which have a potential for livelihoods enhancement and conservation action. These species are assessed in terms of sustainable trade. The countries covered in the study are Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador, Tanzania, Mozambique and Vietnam. The full study as well as a summary are available here.







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