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Wales is ready to ban GM crops

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Proposals by the Welsh Assembly Government will ban genetically modified crops from Wales. New regulations, if they will be adopted, will apply a strict principle regarding the polluter and will put an end even to trial plantings.

In Wales,  the proposals make GM companies like Monsanto and Bayer and the farmers planting GM crops legally liable for contamination or trespass,  even if they have a licence and if scientific knowledge at that time leads them to believe in the harmlessness of the material.

The move takes the Welsh opposition to GM science to new levels. The consultation period ends in the middle of May, and no particular difficulties are seen in taking a different course from England, where GM crop farmers would become liable in the event of contamination on the Welsh side of the border.

The supporters of this move include the Farmers’ Union of Wales, a member of the GM Free Alliance. The GM Free Alliance is a group of environmental and countryside organisations including the RSPB, Friends of the Earth Cymru and GM Free Cymru.  Brian John of GM Free Cymru stated that he expected the administrations in Scotland and Northern Ireland to follow.

A spokesman for Monsanto remarked that the proposal was inconsistent with EU guidelines on co-existence with conventional and organic crops and that these specify that member state rules should respect the right of both non-GM and GM farmers to grow the crops of their choice.


Genetic Engineering

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