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Vriksh - Organic Store in Bangalore

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Mamatha Rangan, Malini Vijayakumar and Manjula Dutt, three sisters, had always been interested in sourcing organic food and living greener lifestyles, and in January this year, after lots of planning, Vriksh — the Organic Store was born.

Located in a house in Vyalikaval, the store stocks a variety of organic products ranging from fresh veggies and greens to grains, snacks, cosmetic products and even underpants made of organic bamboo cotton. Every Friday, small amounts of fresh organic produce such as carrot, beans, cucumber, lime and spinach grown by farmers in the Nelamangala area are sold there. It also has imported organic apple cider vinegar, molasses and ‘super foods’ such as flax seeds, as well as items such as unpolished sona mussoorie rice, musk melon seeds and amla jaggery jam from recognisable stables such as Vanastree, Navadarshanam and Arya. Most of its products are sourced from Karnataka, and the sisters are keen to promote local individuals and organisations involved in organic farming or manufacturing.

Source: The Hindu



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