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USA – Mexico: Talks on organic equivalency

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Representatives from the Mexican National Health Service, Food Safety and Quality have met with officials from the National Organic Program (NOP) and other federal agencies from the USA at the United States Department of Agriculture offices in Washington, the Packer reports. According to Miles McEvoy, NOP deputy director, both countries have agreed to conduct regular teleconferences to discuss implementation issues and to prepare for an on-site audit. A timeframe for the completed discussions has yet to be established. Both countries agreed on the need for rapid progress to benefit consumers and producers in both countries.

The Mexican government has already approved programs that meet NOP standards. A delegation from the USA is expected to visit certified organic operations in Southern Mexico late this year with a follow-up meeting planned in early 2015. Exports worth US$186m of organic products (about €141.7m) went to Mexico in 2013, mostly fresh apples, grapes and pears. Selected imports from Mexico were tracked in 2013. Imports include avocados, coffee, mangoes and bananas, among others. The full article is available from The Packer.





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