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Equivalency Agreement USA – Korea

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

As of 1 July 2014, processed organic products certified in Korea or in the USA may be sold as organic in either country, USDA reports. According to industry estimates, the USA exported approximately US$35 million of processed organic products to Korea in 2013. Since 1 January 2014, when a change in Korea's regulations closed the market to US organic exports, US and Korean officials have been working to finalize the organic equivalency arrangement that has now been announced - the fourth such agreement established under the current Administration.

The USA and Korea are committed to ensuring that all traded organic products meet the terms of the partnership, retaining their organic integrity from farm to market. The partnership allows both countries to spot-check imported organic products to ensure that the terms of the arrangement are being met. Korea's National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service and USDA's National Organic Program (NOP) will take on key oversight roles. More information is available here




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