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USA: CCOF reports major expansion

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

The CCOF, one of the largest and "historical" certification bodies in North America exceeded the record number of half a million organic acres (200,000 hectares) in its certification program last month. This result represents a "milestone" for the organization, which was born in '73 from a small group of organic farmers. Over the past two years, the CCOF has experienced a growth of 129% regarding certified organic land.


In particular, pastures and farmland rose from almost 39,000 acres (15.600 hectares) in 2004 to almost 242,000 acres (96,800 hectares) in 2007, which reflects the growth of the organic meat and dairy production. A significant growth  was reported for rice (+49 %), vine and grapes (+39 %), as well as for wheat and oat (+52 %).


Another interesting fact is the growing number of small and medium producers who are expanding their operations to include supply chain operations as processing and packaging of products to add value. In 2007, the CCOF has completed more than 2,300 on-site inspections.


In addition, the organization has expanded its geographical boundaries: The CCOF certifies organic farms in 29 different states and in five foreign countries.



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