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UNAPROBIO launched in Italy

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

UNAPROBIO, Unione Nazionale di Produttori Biologici (National Union of Organic Producers), was launched in Italy. This association unites the current organisations of organic producers and operators on the market. About a dozen of the most important cooperatives and organisations with more than 4,000 licensed companies have joined the association at the launch already.


The association aims at representing producers, since they currently do not have one voice in both institutional and political issues like distributors or consumer organizations have. Organic farmers are worried about the continuous difficulties in Italy that they have to face when they are not represented adequately. They wish to take this possibility to express their opinion directly in issues like policies to promote the sector, operational issues, cost of the control system, technical standards of production and study and implementation of promotional campaigns on consumption.


Italy is a leading organic producer, but is far behind regarding the domestic volume of consumption. Like in other countries, there is a strong gap between producer prices and consumer prices, which obviously burdens both parties.



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