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UK: Soil Association on organic pigs

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Jamie Oliver has launched his new campaign to highlight the plight of pigs and how the food labelling system was leaving customers confused. The Soil Association believes the current voluntary labelling schemes are misleading. There is no legal definition of 'free-range' when it comes to pork. Pork labelled ‘outdoor bred/reared’, ‘free range’ or ‘Freedom Food’ can come from pigs that have spent less than 20% of their lives in the fresh air. Only organic standards ensure that pigs have a truly ‘free range’ life, one which is as near as possible to their wild boar ancestors‘, and which enables them to exhibit their naturally social behaviour. Organic pigs are also protected from cruel practices. Soil Association organic standards also require pigs to have direct access to vegetation and the soil, and farrowing crates are banned.

Joyce d'Silva from Compassion in World Farming said that organic farming had the potential to offer the highest standards of animal welfare. Organic systems placed a high emphasis on good management. Compassion in World Farming believed that the Soil Association's welfare standards were leaders in the field. Emma Hockridge, Soil Association policy campaigner, recommended that if one wanted to be sure that pigs led a happy life one should buy organic.



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