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UK: Fairtrade sales hit £ 560 million

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

New figures reveal that Fairtrade sales rose from £ 325 million to £ 560 million in the UK last year. Britons bought almost 30 % of the world's total value of Fairtrade goods. In the United Kingdom, Sainsbury's sells Fairtrade bananas exclusively, Co-Op offers only own-brand Fairtrade tea, coffee and chocolate and M&S does the same with tea and coffee. Tesco and Asda also promote Fairtrade products.


Globally, spending rose by 47 %, from £ 1.2 billion to £ 1.8 billion. By value, Fairtrade sales in the movement's biggest markets, the UK and US, grew by 72 % and by 46 %. Sweden and Norway showed the highest rises of 166 % and 110 % respectively. These numbers mean that 1.5 million producers and workers in 58 developing countries benefit from a higher price for their goods now, reports The Independent.


Sales of juices almost quadrupled, sugar and cotton doubled, bananas increased by 72 % and coffee rose by 19 %. The range of Fairtrade products has also expanded. During the past year, Fairtrade Austria introduced fresh pineapples, organic mangoes and organic avocados. Fairtrade flowers were launched in Italy, Sweden and the USA. Australia, Austria, Germany, Italy and New Zealand sold their first Fairtrade cotton.



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