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UK: 90 % of strawberries contained pesticides

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

As Wimbledon begins, with the traditional seasonal treat of strawberries and cream, the latest report from the UK Government’s Pesticides Safety Directorate shows over 90% of strawberries tested contained pesticides. Among various other pesticides, DDT was also found. One sample of UK strawberries contained a residue in the form of DDE. DDT has not been approved for use on any crop in the UK for more than 20 years, but as it is environmental persistent, the residue may come from former contamination. In contrast, no samples of organic strawberries tested contained pesticides.


Emma Hockridge, Soil Association policy campaigner, said that strawberries were one of the British summer’s most-anticipated seasonal treats, but these findings that most non-organic strawberries were tainted with multiple pesticides left a sour taste. There was compelling evidence emerging that the combined effect of pesticides, the so-called cocktail effect, even at minuscule levels, was more significant than previously realised - especially as several of the pesticides found had been proven to have serious health implications. She continued that fortunately people could enjoy this traditional British summer treat without worrying about unwanted pesticides by choosing organic strawberries.


A survey carried out by PAN Europe last year found that the non-organic strawberries tested contained a staggering 14 different pesticides, of which five are known carcinogens. According to a survey by the European Commission, 40% of fruit and vegetables sold in Europe contain pesticides, while one item in 30 contains pesticides at levels above EU legal limits. According to Government statistics, UK farmers use 31,000 tonnes of pesticides each year to produce food, this means half a kilo for every UK citizen.




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