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UK: Starbucks to be largest purchaser of Fairtrade coffee

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Starbucks UK and the Fairtrade Foundation have announced details of the company’s industry-leading support for small-scale coffee farmers.  This commitment means that 100% of the espresso coffee sold – both whole bean and espresso-based beverages – in Starbucks stores in the UK and Ireland become both Starbucks Shared Planet and Fairtrade Certified by the end of 2009.  Starbucks espresso-based coffees include its Cappuccino, Caffe Latte and other espresso-based beverages, which represents the vast majority of Starbucks beverages.
The 100% Fairtrade Certified Espresso in the UK and Ireland forms part of a global plan that will mean Starbucks will become the largest purchaser of Fairtrade certified coffee in the world, doubling its global purchases to 40 million pounds (volume) in 2009, and delivering Fairtrade premiums for investment in community and business improvements by the small farmer organisations. Speaking at the launch event with the Fairtrade Foundation, Howard Schultz, Starbucks, chairman, president and CEO, commented that this announcement marked an important milestone in their long-term commitment to ethical sourcing and support for coffee farmers and their communities, as well as their partnership approach to Starbucks Shared Planet. He continued that now, linking their efforts with the global Fairtrade labelling movement, they would be able to have an even larger impact on small farmers particularly with the opening of Starbucks Farmer Support Centers in Ethiopia and Rwanda early next year.



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