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TransFair USA becomes Fair Trade USA

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

On October 1, 2010, TransFair USA will change its name to Fair Trade USA, and will introduce their new tagline: “Every Purchase Matters.” The organization is confident that their new name and updated, simplified brand identity will support the effort to increase awareness of Fair Trade among a broader consumer audience, increase sales of Fair Trade Certified products, and, ultimately, generate more benefits for farmers and workers around the world. This name change is consistent with similar efforts underway among the other Fair Trade certifiers around the world that are affiliated with Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International. This change will not affect the certification label. The familiar Fair Trade Certified label, now recognized by more than 100 million Americans, remains unchanged. In the past five years, consumer recognition of the Fair Trade Certified label has tripled.

Fair Trade USA will bring their new brand identity to life on the organization’s website and in their marketing materials over the next year, starting with Fair Trade Month, which also kicks off October 1 with the theme “Every Purchase Matters.” TransFair USA has pioneered Fair Trade certification in the United States since 1998, building and innovating on the successful Fair Trade certification movement in Europe. In 12 years, it has helped industry partners and consumers generate nearly 200 million U$ in additional revenues to support community development and sustainable agriculture in farming communities in 70 countries around the world. Today, it works with more than 800 companies to certify more than 6,000 Fair Trade products that generated 1.2 billion US$ in retail sales in 2009.

Fair Trade USA



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