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The Organic Center in the USA

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

At YouTube, a new video about the Organic Center in Boulder, USA, can be viewed. It is narrated by Sara Snow, host of Discovery Health Channel’s "Get Fresh with Sara Snow". Seleyn DeYarus, Development Director of the Organic Center, stated that they were very grateful for the community effort that went into producing this video. Part of what made it so special was that everyone donated their time and talents to make it happen, which reflected the spirit of the organic movement.


The Organic Center is an organization founded in 2002 to present and provide peer-reviewed scientific evidence on how organic products benefit human and environmental health. As organic food becomes more and more popular with consumers, the bar has been raised for the organic industry to scientifically prove the many benefits of organic agriculture.


The Organic Center has started this process by publishing State of Science Reviews to provide consumers, industry, media and academia with an assessment of existing science into health and other benefits of organic foods, products and production methods. The SSRs also identify the most promising avenues for future research.


The Organic Center is located in Boulder, Colorado and sees its mission to communicate and educate the public about the scientific findings of organics and the risks of pesticides and biotechnology in food production.
The video can be watched here:



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