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The Farmer and his Prince to launch in cinemas and on festivals

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

From the Bavarian Allgäu to the South of England, the documentaries produced by Verhaag’s Munich-based company, Denkmal-Film, focus on environmental, political and social topics. For his 120th film, Verhaag visited the Prince of Wales on his home farm. After five years of shooting, The Farmer and his Prince- a moving portrait of Prince Charles' organic farm and his charismatic farm manager, David Wilson – has now reached completion. It will reach cinemas in autumn and also be shown at festivals; for example at the AgrofilmFestival and Ekotopfilm Festival in Slovakia and at the Life Science Film Festival in the Czech Republic. Prince Charles' dream is for organic agriculture to feed the world and heal the natural environment. Together with his farm manager, David Wilson, he has steadfastly pursued this vision and is a true organic pioneer.

Production of the company’s new feature film Code of Survival or the end of genetic engineering will start next. With the financial support of numerous friends and acquaintances who are concerned about genetic engineering, a total of €122,500 was raised. Filming will start in India, in the world-famous state of Darjeeling. The location is a unique tea plantation which has been cultivated organically for the last 30 years. At an altitude of 2,000 m, organic farming has saved the soil from irreversible erosion - and brought the tea plantation back from the brink of ruin. Code of Survival is a documentary to inspire a different way of thinking and living- poses the question: Can organic agriculture really feed the world? Or must we continue to poison ourselves and destroy the soil with genetic engineering and artificial chemicals? More information is available here.




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