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Sustainable Seafood Coalition launch codes

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Members of the Sustainable Seafood Coalition (SSC) have launched their two codes of conduct. The Voluntary Code of Conduct on Environmental Claims (Labelling Code) was created, with all SSC members signing up to the code will label their fish and seafood in a harmonised way, adhering to minimum criteria and only using claims of responsibility and sustainability. For consumers that means much more clarity and consistency when buying fish products or dishes from SSC members. The members signing up to the labelling code are: Co-operative Food, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, Lyons Seafoods, New England Seafood Limited, Birds Eye UK, The Saucy Fish Co. / Icelandic Group UK Ltd, Young’s Seafood Limited, Direct Seafoods and M&J Seafood.

The SSC has developed minimum criteria in the Voluntary Code of Conduct on Environmentally Responsible Fish and Seafood Sourcing (Sourcing Code). This covers two main areas: general good practice and a commitment to do a risk assessment. Once the Sourcing Code is implemented, all members signing up to the code will have responsible sourcing policies and will adhere to agreed minimum standards. Members signing up to the sourcing code are: Co-operative Food, Marks & Spencer, Morrisons, Sainsbury’s, Tesco, Waitrose, Feng Sushi, Harbour Lights Falmouth, River Cottage, Lyons Seafoods, New England Seafood Limited, Birds Eye UK, The Saucy Fish Co. / Icelandic Group UK Ltd, Young’s Seafood Limited, Direct Seafoods, Le Lien Ltd, M&J Seafood. More information is available here.



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