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DG Sanco responsible for Sustainable Food Communication

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Responsibility for the Commission’s forthcoming Sustainable Food Communication will come under the remit of the new Commissioner for Health and Food Safety Vytenis Andriukaitis. This follows the Commission’s decision to postpone plans on sustainable food consumption which was anticipated to be part of the Commission circular economy agenda– led by DG Environment. A communication on how to transition the EU towards a circular economy was subsequently adopted in July 2014 without any reference to sustainable food consumption, IFOAM EU reports.

IFOAM EU believes that the incoming Commission must commit to setting in motion an ambitious sustainable food policy that can deliver real smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and will continue to monitor the process on the development of the EU’s policy. In this regard the new Commission can already begin by ensuring that all relevant actions and recommendations set out in the EU Organic Action Plan are recognised in the forthcoming Communication and implemented and built upon to 2020 in order to support the sustainable growth of the organic sector across the EU. Further information is available from IFOAM EU and in an article written in cooperation with Friends of the Earth Europe published on the Agriculture and Rural Convention website.





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