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Statistics on organic wine

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Nomisma’s Wine Monitor has once again presented data on organic wine. In 2012 (latest data available) 8% of the Italian vineyard area was organic (compared to the world average of 4%). In terms of absolute value, Italy ranks third in Europe: with just over 57,000 hectares of organic vineyards (+8.6% compared to 2011 and +81% compared to 2003), Italy is overtaken by Spain (81,000 hectares, +394% compared to 2003) and France (65,000 hectares, +299%). At the regional level, Sicily is the leader (16,144 hectares), followed by Puglia (10,173 hectares) and Tuscany (5,887 hectares).

Sales of organic wine are also rising: Large-scale retail indicates a +4% increase in volume over 2012 (compared to a 6.5% decline for the wine category as a whole – Source: IRI). But since large retailers are not the preferred sales channel for organic wines, the real data that reveals the interest in organic wine is the penetration rate. Wine Trend Italy, the Nomisma Wine Monitor survey on Italian consumers, shows that 11.6% of Italians have consumed organic wine on at least one occasion in 2013 (2012: 2%). 6.4% of consumers purchased a bottle of certified organic wine in shops and 5.2% consumed organic wine in restaurants and wine bars. More information is available from Nomisma Wine Monitor.





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