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Soya on the menu in Europe

by Redaktion (comments: 0)

Research from RBB Economics has reveals that the European soya market has grown by 19 % over the past 2 years. Over that same period, more than half a million European households added soya products to their menu: in Belgium for example, nearly 80,000 families were introduced to soya. Interestingly, soya coexists along dairy products rather than replacing them. In 2008, 370,000 tons of soyfoods (“soya milk”, soya desserts, “soya creams”, etc.) were retailed in Europe. The total of soya products represents 1.5 % of Europe’s dairy industry.

The term “soya milk” still cannot be legally used by soya producers in the European Union. They must comply with current European legislation and use the wording “soya drink” or even “soya juice” on their packaging. Ensa presented its study to the European Commission and hopes that it will re-launch the discussion on the issue of milk denomination. Ensa also rolled out the first ever European Soy for Food Week – the event took place from 19 – 27th of September with actions occurring simultaneously in Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany and the UK.

Established in January 2003, Ensa represents the interests of Natural Soyfoods Manufacturers in Europe. Ensa is an association of internationally operating companies, ranging from large corporations to small, family-owned businesses. To be accepted within the association, members have to respect the charter:

Art 1. Production process of soyfood products: The members of the association pledge to produce their soyfood products using only natural production processes.

Art 2. Soya and genetically modified organisms: The Ensa members pledge to guarantee that their products are free of GMOs.

Art 3. Source of supply of soya: The Ensa members certify that the soy they use does not come from ancient rain forest land.

Art 4. Scientific researches: The Ensa members pledge to encourage and promote scientific research on soy, in particular via financial support.


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